
Thursday, November 29, 2018

Kauri Dieback

What is Kauri Dieback?
Kauri Dieback is a disease that lives in the soil and infects Kauri roots. If it infected a seedling it could kill that seedling in about 2 months but with a fully grown Kauri tree it could take up to ten years!

More About the disease
Kauri dieback can kill kauri of all ages. It’s a disease caused by a microscopic fungus-like organism, called Phytophthora agathidicida (PA). It lives in the soil and as I said before it infects Kauri roots, damaging the tissues that carry nutrients and water within the tree, effectively starving it to death.

The good news...
Tane Mahuta is NOT infected by the Kauri dieback so far and there has been no symptoms that D.O.C have seen. !YAY! If there are any signs of Kauri dieback on Tane mahuta or any other Kauri trees infected D.O.C members will inject it with a special substance which will hopefully help get rid of this nasty disease.

The Bad news
There is currently no proven cure or treatment and pretty much ALL infected Kauri DIE!

What this terrible disease look like?
Kauri dieback kinda looks like a mix between an icicle and a fungus but that is just my opinion.

What you can do to help stop the spread?
  • Clean all soil off your footwear and other gear every time you enter or leave an area with native trees, and at every cleaning station.
  • Use disinfectant only after you've removed all the soil.
  • Stay on track and off Kauri roots. A Kauri’s roots can grow outwards 3 times as far as its branches.
  • Spread the word within your networks on how to stop Kauri dieback

D.O.C work so so soooo hard to protect these amazing Kauri trees so please find a way to help out!
“The trees need us and we need the trees!”
By Ariana Burnett

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Tane Mahuta

W.A.L.T:Write a blog post about Tane Mahuta
Who is Tane Mahuta?
Tane Mahuta is a huge Kauri tree and also the God of the forest.
Tane is 51.5 metres tall and that is the largest Kauri tree in
New Zealand. This magnificent Kauri tree stands tall in Waipoua,
Kauri Forest, Northland and it drags tourists from all over the world to
see it. Tane Mahuta is 2,000 years old and is still growing!

Tane Mahuta is a great place to go to get out of the house!

By Ariana Burnett

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Hokiaga year 5 and 6 camp

Hokianga Camp
W.A.L.T: Write a blog post about camp

Last week (Week six) We went on a camp to the Hokianga. We stayed in Te Whakarongotai Marae and had a beautiful view of the Hokianga Harbor. Ms Peters said "it was a Million dollar view$$$$". Our sleeping arrangements were that all the men/snorers would sleep in the mattress room, the teachers slept on beds and the ladies and kids slept on mattresses on the floor in the Whare-nui. 

Some of the exciting things we did were a visit to Wairere Boulders, we went to the look out/sketching, The giant dunes, Visit to Tane Mahuta/sketching, Matua Ngahere, The four sisters, Spotlight, Scavenger hunt and much much more.

One of my favorite parts would probably be the GIANT dunes because you came down the dune and skimmed really far out in the water on your boogie board. I especially enjoyed racing my Dad down to see who went the furthest and guess what? I did!😁

My group on camp included Ruiha, Miki, Mason, Vinnie, Me and Dad was our group leader. Together we came up with a group name and it was The WHITU FIGHTERS. Our cheer was "TAHI, RUA, TORU, WHA, RIMA, ONO, WHITU FIGHTERS!" I loved Dad being our group leader because he was kind, caring, super funny and the master chef.

This camp was so much fun it was the BEST CAMP EVER!

I hope you enjoyed reading a little about my camp and what we did. What do you think you enjoyed/would enjoy the most at this camp?😇😋😎

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Google docs Ninja challenge 2018

Google Docs Ninja challenge
W.A.L.T: Insert a drawing onto a google doc

In Room 5 we are currently trying to complete a challenge called the google docs ninja challenge. There are different things you have to do to become a google docs ninja. For example, some of the things that you have to do are: Insert a table, Hyperlink use the paint brush and many, many more. The one that I have chosen to write about is: Inserting a drawing on to a google doc. This is how you do it:

I found this pretty easy because I have done this before. 
I hope you enjoyed reading about this!
Did you learn anything from this blog post?