
Thursday, December 12, 2019

Ariana 2019

In class, we have been creating google drawings of ourselves to remind us of what we were like in 2019. This is what I have produced...

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

5 rules you should follow when sharing pictures and/or streaming videos

Image result for keep calm and be cyber smart Image result for be smart online
1. If you don't want the world to see it, don't share it
2. Only post appropriate photos
3. Don't share any personal details online e.g addresses, full names
4. Ask for permission before posting photos of others online
5. Block any anonymous users or people you don't know on your account

Monday, December 9, 2019

Jane Goodall

Image result for Jane goodallImage result for Jane goodall

Jane Goodall

In July 1960, Jane Goodall aged 26 traveled from England to what is now known as Tanzania to study Chimpanzees. She has changed so much about what we know about Chimpanzees and she is still discovering more about them as you read this, 50 years later.  Her mission now is to stop deforestation and help highly endangered species... the Chimps. Her work has impacted on many people's lives by showing them how similar the Chimpanzees are to humans and inspiring thousands of people to take a closer look at not only what is happening in our world but what is destroying our world.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Lorde-Summer learning journey

Mass Migration-Summer learning journey

My opinion on whether building a wall between  America and Mexico is a good idea...

I think that building a wall between America and Mexico is absolutely a terrible idea! All countries should open their arms wide for the people in need. The people that are coming from Mexico and other countries near the border arent just walking thousands of kilometers for nothing, they are coming for a new, better life and they believe America will bring that to them. They are coming for the job opportunities, but most importantly they are doing it for us, the kids, for the next generation!

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Toku pepeha

This week we are trying out a program called summer learning journey and this is the first activity...

Monday, November 18, 2019

Dance-Passion project

We have been working on passion projects and I chose to do mine about dance... Here it is!

Descriptive writing

In class, we have been focusing on descriptive writing. We got given 10 scenes to write down as many different words or phrases to describe the setting. Here is mine...

Tuesday, August 20, 2019


For week 4 in maths, we have been focusing on measurement. So after we had finished our book work we had an extra word problem activity on google slides. Here are my answers.😀

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Dental health

In-room 3 we have been learning about Dental health. We had to create a google drawing about it and here is mine...

Thursday, June 20, 2019


As one of our tasks we had to do in our reading follow up for myths and legends we had to find our own New Zealand legend to make a google drawing about. We had to include the characters, the name of the myth/legend, and any other events that took place in the story. I decided to do mine on Matariki because Matariki had just been. I hope you enjoy learning a little bit more about Matariki.😀

Discovery of New Zealand Myths

For reading, we had to read two myths about New Zealand discovery they were called: Maui and the magic fish hook and Kupe and the discovery of Aotearoa. We then got assigned a follow-up task. Here are my Answers...

Monday, June 17, 2019

Fair Chocolate

For reading, we got assigned a reading task called Fair chocolate. First, we had to read the article and then answer the questions that came with it. The questions involved us thinking about how we would plan a business if we were going to start one up.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Cheetah - Inforgraphic

As a follow-up from our information reports, we had to create an inforgraphic. Here is mine.


In class, we have been working on information reports. We had to choose a topic to write about. Then we had to plan. And last but not least publish!

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Badge of honour

For reading, we read the book Badge of honour. Our teacher then assigned us some follow up questions about the book. Here are my answers. I hope you enjoy reading them!😀

Friday, May 31, 2019

The Buzzy Bee

For the past week or two, we have been working on our Kiwiana projects. The first thing we had to do was figure out what Kiwiana Icon we were going to do our project on. We then had to find lots of interesting facts about that Icon. And lastly, we had to make a poster on google drawings including all the facts you found and here is mine. 😎

Wednesday, May 15, 2019


In writing, we have been learning about language features. We then had to choose one and create a poster about it on google drawings. I chose to do mine about metaphors, and all my metaphors are about.......Food! I hope you enjoy reading my poster!

Monday, May 13, 2019

Authors choice

In reading, my group has been learning all about Authors choice. We had to read this explanation and then write a paragraph explaining the effect of that choice. I really enjoyed learning about this so I hope you do too!


In room 3 we have been working on Graphs and collecting data. We were all assigned this task to complete and this is mine.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

World war 1 Timeline

In class, we have been learning all about world war one. So our teacher asked us to do a timeline of the important events that happened during the war. I hope you enjoy learning more about the great war in 1914!

Wednesday, May 8, 2019


In room 3 we have been learning all about Netiquette. I have found it really interesting because I have never learnt about it before so I hope you like learning about it too. 😁

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Simple and compound sentences

In room 3 we have been working on our sentence structure for writing. And this week we are focusing on simple and compound sentences. We had to create a 20 sentence story and show which sentences were simple and which sentences were compound.
I hope you enjoy reading my intriguing story

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Shimmer the Dolphin - Animation

In class, we have been creating Animations on google slides. We had to think of a simple storyline with a beginning, a problem, and a solution. It was really fun but challenging too. I hope you enjoy watching my amazing creation!
(Keep pressing the right arrow to watch)

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Kindness phrases - Wonder Choose kind

In class for novel study, we have been reading Wonder by R.J Palacio. Each Day our teacher reads a little part of the book and while she is reading we answer the given questions. I really like the meaning of the whole book because it's all about kindness. We then had to create a google drawing about "Choose kind" and this is mine.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Google Docs Ninja Challenge

As part of our CyberSmart programme we have been completing the Google docs ninja challenge to learn more about the tricks and tips of using Google Docs. Although it has been quite challenging, I can now safely say "I am a GOOGLE DOCS NINJA!"

Friday, March 22, 2019

Cyber smart - Kindness

In Room 3 we have been creating Kindness slides. You had to Have at least 6 slides. I hope you enjoy Watching My creation!

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Book Review - Smile

In class, we have been creating book reviews about our favourite book. I have chosen to do it about the awesome book Smile!
 (Keep Pressing the right arrow to look at the slide)